What's Up with Spaces Giving Back?

Oklahomans have historically volunteered more than the national rates but as of 2015, it’s plummeted significantly from 2005, as this graph from the Corporation for National and Community Service shows.


As many of you know, I was homeschooled throughout my life. Yes, I was “one of those kids.” While it had its pros and cons, the biggest bonus to me was the opportunity to spend quite a few hours a week volunteering. I was very active with two churches, Lunch on Noble in Guthrie, and Coffee Creek Riding Center in Edmond. I was able to expand my worldview and see how important my contributions were to the organizations I was supporting. I watched the lives of the unfortunate, impoverished, physically disabled and mentally handicapped children and adults be touched by my help and presence through these organizations. Once I got a bit older and had to start working more and going to college, I didn’t have the time to contribute to my community that I did before. I missed it but could never seem to dedicate the time or the schedule for consistent volunteering. I still did what I could. A roommate and I even took it upon ourselves to have a bake sale for Cookies for Kids’ Cancer. I marched in the OKC Pride parade with my co-workers at Best Buy. But I wasn’t giving back as consistently as I wanted.

When Justine and I first started talking about opening up Spaces Real Estate, I wanted a big part of our team work environment to be a monthly volunteer event. This would be a great time to get the gang together as well as have some accountability for scheduling these events. I also got to thinking, don’t other people have the same problem as I do? Finding a charity they want to participate with AND find the time in their schedule?

You may have seen our volunteer events on Facebook. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for our friends, family, past clients, fellow real estate industry professionals, etc. to jump in on an event. Maybe it’s a charity you’ve always wanted to volunteer with but didn’t ever set aside the time or maybe it’s a charity you’ve never heard of but that speaks to you personally. We wanted to commit ourselves to going and giving back to our community and invite you to do the same with us.

I think it’s so easy, as an adult, to not want to compromise your precious time and instead, throw money at a problem and feel as though you’re helping. While many organizations do very much rely on those monetary contributions, they also rely on helping hands. Regardless of your financial situation, if an event fits with your schedule, your help is appreciated so much and it doesn’t cost you a thing. In fact, many of our local charities are VERY dependent on volunteers such as you. Sisu Youth, for example, is 100% volunteer driven. Of course they need donations, both monetary and physical items, but they couldn’t make their mission happen without volunteers.

Secondly, I’d like to take a minute to thank my real estate team, my family, and my friends for supporting me and attending many of the events we’ve had so far. We’ve assembled bouquets for Curbside Chronicle, painted a house in the bitter cold for Rebuilding Together, organized the clothing closet at Sisu Youth, provided a fun craft night for the ladies and children at the YWCA shelter, and fed nearly 7,500 children through the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma’s Hope’s Kitchen. And we’re only halfway through the year! Your participation warms my heart and I hope you know how much your labor of love extends to the community in ways you may never see but I hope you feel the same warmth I do after an event. I love this city and strive every day to bring a little sunshine to it – thank you for sharing your sunshine, too!!


Kara Moore